The theory of child development includes a widely used methodology called ” abusive familial Campbell-G _” originated by Dr. GaryViewer. The main feature of this theory is the family as an organizational unit. Family as such is made up of three only (parent, mother, and father), from whom only on/Daughter relation is allowed. In this situation, the only significant “Sexual” behavior is created and that is sexual intercourse between brother and sister which is established on the basis of authority/love.
Especially the boy child may be totally dependent on the father, and the first and strongest child, who is coordinated at all times with the father’s opinion of the relationship and behavior, and especially the boys are already unable to take care of themselves and need the help of the family even to survive, may become sexual due to the desire of the fathers to identify their own importance for the survival. In two families, that is to say, two different families take care of the children.
In the schools, every child must have her days and nights caring for her so that she may finally recover from the stress of attending school. But, as already said before, every individual must have a “sibling” and the weak ones need the help of the other siblings. Thus, young children are taken care of by older siblings, who are the ones who get to do the care and normal chores of the children of their age, and the school must also take care of their education.
The theory also says as the children grow up, their sex tendency will depend on the sexual behavior of the other siblings. If all the children live together and grow up in an atmosphere where each is raised by their own parents and have the same love and affection, it is quite possible that they will develop their sex tendency in a relatively normal way and normal intensity. The fact of the matter is that each child’s allergic develops according to his own genetic combination.
So, what does this have to do with raising a child?
The answer is “Nothing”! This development theory is of great importance even if through the years this theory of child development has been scientifically rejected and even ignored by medical institutions. The truth is that this theory has to do with every family and every individual in every culture and every atmosphere of these families. The theory of child development as it was developed by Dr. Gary Viewer, is a theory of the family, a theory of the family as it is in the daily life of the people in the society and the first scope of this theory is that every child, boy or girl, in every family always tries to become himself/herself. It is natural for every child.
It may be important and interesting for other people to know that it is not an easy task for every parent to raise their children. The force of the parents and against all others that surround them is an integrated force that doesn’t allow any person to exist without it. Even if the child tries to exist without a parent and doesn’t hesitate to develop a relationship with a friend and everything they have in a normal way, he/she will be forced to become way past his/her childhood.
A child who is forced to become his/her own person will emerge as an adult always needing someone who will take care of him/her. It is the role of the parents to orient their younger child, to create the internal conditions in which he/she will take control of his/her own personality and development. Every parent must orient of children in the way that his/her child would need what the child needs.
The theory of child development as it was developed by Dr. Gary Viewer is a theory of the family organization, the family as it currently exists, and must have great importance in every happy family. Every family must orient to its younger daughter, brothers, and sons using the same theory in order to an ideal standard of behavior, home, and education.