In most places around the world, car insurance is mandatory. This means that if you own or operate a vehicle, you must have some form of car insurance in order to do so. While there are a few exceptions, the majority of countries have this requirement in place. Car insurance can be expensive, but it’s…
Category: Society
Theory of Child Development – Development of Self-Types
The theory of child development includes a widely used methodology called ” abusive familial Campbell-G _” originated by Dr. GaryViewer. The main feature of this theory is the family as an organizational unit. Family as such is made up of three only (parent, mother, and father), from whom only on/Daughter relation is allowed. In this…
Causes of homelessness and supportive services
The most common cause of homelessness in the United States is a lack of affordable housing. Other leading causes include mental illness, substance abuse, unplanned/unstable personal relationships, and low-paying jobs that do not provide an adequate standard of living for an individual or their family. The National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) wrote a brief…